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Web 3.0 and Its Implications For Developer Supply Chains

Web 3.0, the most recent iteration of the web, is taking things a step further and plans to become fully decentralized.

Web 3.0 is a rapidly growing movement for a decentralized web. Web 3.0 is free of any third-party intermediaries and makes it so that an individual’s privacy cannot be infringed upon. The term was first coined by Dr. Gavin Wood in a 2014 blog post.

Developers for Web 3.0 create apps that are not limited to a single cloud server but are instead distributed on a blockchain, allowing them to receive benefits from the way data is verified and authenticated as well as transparency.

A Background on the Web

Before coming to an understanding on web 3.0, it is important to first understand both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, and what makes Web 3.0 the next phase. 

Web 1.0

This is the term that is used to describe the first most version of the web, and its primary use was to exchange information. Websites formats were only simple HTML designs which would display text, images and links. Users could only view the information provided on the websites without interacting with them, and they could not edit any of the data.

There was no real-time communication between computers in the early days of the web, and all management and data storage was handled by a single computer system. Furthermore, users would only use the web to consume content rather than create it.

Furthermore, Web 1.0 was when the internet was accessed via dial-up, and because websites took minutes to load, they were designed to be as light as possible in order to reduce the time it took to load, which could be several minutes.

Web 2.0

The era of Web 2.0 marked the second generation of the web and began in the 2000s. The key attribute of Web 2.0, which marked the shift over from Web 1.0, was interactivity. Because website pages were no longer static, they became bigger and more interactable. The most common use quickly became streaming videos and music.

Along with this was the emergence of content that was being produced by users. Websites such as AOL, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter were some of the first to make space for more active user interaction and engagement through blog posts and real-time communication in the form of social networking.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0, the most recent iteration of the web, is taking things a step further and plans to become fully decentralized, which would mean putting ownership of generated content in the hands of the creators themselves, rather than the owners of the platform on which it is posted.

In addition to this, Web 3.0 involves incorporating intelligence into the web, becoming what would be known as the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web, as the name implies, is a network of data that can be processed by automated processes that allow computers to understand the meaning of the information on the web and make decisions based on that information. 

The web would essentially be able to learn about its users and understand their needs; this comprehension of their needs is made possible by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, resulting in a version of the web that is more personalized and caters to the specific needs of each individual user.

What Does the Supply of Web 3.0 Developers Look Like?

There is a rapidly increasing interest in Web 3 among developers, and one of the main reasons for this is the fact that it is relatively easy to enter its sphere. Most developers can work on Web 3.0 projects with ease, even if they are not full-time developers, and many of the syntaxes used are similar to basic programming languages that the average developer is at the very least familiar with.

How Accessible Is Web 3.0 for Developers?

Another one of the main reasons for this flexibility for developers is that a key feature of Web 3.0 is the fact that it is made with open-source software, which has been developed openly and has been made publicly available. In this day and age, more and more developers are publishing apps that are integrated with Web 3.0 components. For example, an app’s logic could be defined in smart contracts, which are built on the blockchain and are a primary component of Web 3.0.

Flexibility Across Industries

In addition to this, the mainstream adoption of decentralized services, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), has many companies across all industries building dApps on the Blockchain infrastructure. There are numerous opportunities for different use cases due to the features available in these apps, such as smart contracts and security verification, and with these being some of the primary components of Web 3.0, increasingly more businesses are looking to hire Web 3.0 developers.

What roles can developers perform?

Web 3.0 development involves a diverse set of developer roles that collaborate in peer-to-peer networks to create decentralized applications, protocols, and blockchains. As a result, there are Web 3.0 specialist developers, and each of them is in demand on their own.

A majority of these developers are those who use specific programming languages. For example, developers for Solidity, Rust, Python, and Vyper use these programming languages, as well as various others, to create and deploy smart contracts. In addition to this, they may also be tasked with testing in order to ensure the security and safety of the systems and platforms that they develop.

What Does This Mean for Hiring Web 3.0 Developers and Their Supply?

While Web 3.0 developers are in high demand and transitioning from a standard software developer to a Web 3.0 developer is not too difficult, there is a shortage. The introduction of blockchain has not only shifted paradigms across all major industries to decentralized protocols, but has also opened up avenues for innovation.

Although Web 3.0 may still be in its developmental stage, there are already many businesses( insert link of this article) emerging which are making use of the technology and capitalizing off of Web 3.0 solutions.

This does not necessarily mean it is impossible to hire any developers, as there is still plenty of room for Web 3.0 as a whole to develop as it continues to mature. However, any business looking to work with developers should know exactly how they would be integrating it into their business model, and how they, too, can reap its rewards.

Why Should Businesses Work With Web 3.0 Developers?

Web 3.0 opens the door to numerous opportunities, which businesses should be aware of and take the necessary steps to capitalize on.

Consumers and producers alike on the web will benefit from various network effects. Decentralized technology platforms such as cloud and blockchain platforms will connect the rising demands of consumers with the rapidly growing supply of developers producing applications.

Web 3.0 technologies can help to improve transparency and trust between businesses and their customers. The use of blockchain technology, for example, can help to create a tamper-proof record of transactions. This would allow businesses to build more trust with their customers by providing them with a transparent view of their business dealings.

Accessible Infrastructure

Web 3.0 runs using applications which are much cheaper than the traditional web infrastructure. This is due to the fact that Web 3.0 applications are decentralized, and because of this, they do not require expensive central servers to run on. Instead, they can be operated on a network of computers provided by the end users, making these Web 3.0 applications much more affordable to both initially develop and subsequently maintain.

Furthermore, the decentralized nature of Web 3.0, as well as the lack of any large data centers, means that there are fewer chances of a network becoming inaccessible due to any large-scale system failure, resulting in less risk of downtime, which can lead to critical losses for a business.

Safety Measures and Verification

The latest version of the web is considerably cheaper than previous generations. The nature of decentralization means that a user’s data is not all stored in one place, which makes it less susceptible to cyber attacks and bots, and locks out spammers and scammers.

Users retain ownership of their data rather than the social media network to which it is posted. As a result, users can prevent their personal information from being sold to third parties and prevent the creation of fraudulent accounts using that information, while also allowing users to share only what they want to share.

Furthermore, users can make use of verification services that are able to algorithmically compute how safe a public address is by cross-referencing their history and what came out of their past use cases as well.

Likewise, it will curtail fake news and fabricated news stories, which can be damaging to a company’s reputation. Disreputable news sources will no longer have to be verified through a third-party source, which can also be disreputable. With Web 3.0 apps, such as Prover, users can verify a news source through its blockchain.


Web 3.0 enables real-time transactions through the use of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Because these transactions do not need to be processed through banks, they can take place in seconds. 

Contracts in Web 3.0 are smart contracts. Because they are purely digital, all of the steps for such transactions can be completed entirely on the Blockchain. The additional benefit of programmability, which is due to their digital nature, means that each company can customize the smart contracts in any way they want, and any unique systems or rules that they wish to follow as a business can be added to the terms and then automatically executed.

Trust Between Companies and Customers

One of the main highlights of Web 3.0 is how it provides a more customized version of the web, and eliminates third parties from having to act as intermediaries. This automatically creates room for companies to build and grow stronger customer relations because, as they are being catered to specifically by the business, they are more likely to appreciate what is being offered. 

Transparency is also greatly improved due to how Web 3.0 technologies make use of the Blockchain. As the data that is stored and recorded on the blockchain—such as transactions or simply personal customer data—is unable to be edited or interfered with, they do not have to worry about any unauthorized changes to it, or any unauthorized people having access to that information either. 

As mentioned with transactions through Web 3.0, the entire procedure is laid out in front of the users as well, and so customers can see exactly what is happening to both their money and their data throughout the duration of the process as well.

What this means for developer supply?

While Web 3.0 is relatively new, the future for its developers is rife with opportunities. As more and more companies begin to implement and make use of this latest stage of the web, the demand for Web 3.0 developers has skyrocketed, while the supply of experienced and professional developers remains low. 

However, this does not mean that finding a Web 3.0 developer has to be an extremely difficult task for businesses either. What this means is that companies that are looking to hire these developers will have to be extremely careful with who they shortlist and select for hire. It is crucial and essential to find a developer who has excellent knowledge of the technologies and infrastructures that they will have to use. 

This way, companies will be searching for developers in spaces that are dedicated to specific needs, and the already small pool of talent can be reduced down to only those who they can actually work with, instead of a business being afraid that they won’t be able to hire anyone and simply choosing someone who fits into the basic criteria that is required for them. 

This will not only make the process more efficient, but it will also save time and allow for a more solid hiring process for a supply of developers that has only recently begun to take off, and has done so at such a rapid pace that the supply has almost immediately depleted.


How do you think Web 3.0 developments could impact businesses?

As Web 3.0 continues to develop, businesses need to be prepared for changes that could impact their operations. With Web 3.0, websites will be able to encrypt user data, preventing third parties from intercepting and stealing. Web 3.0 features will include pro-privacy and anti-monopoly models. We will see a shift with decentralization and privacy at the forefront.

What is the focus of Web 3.0 in terms of its development innovations?

Innovation is the focus of Web 30, as the web sector continues to grow and evolve at an unprecedented pace. The Web 30 initiative aims to help improve the quality of web content by fostering innovation in the publishing, advertising, and measurement industries.It offers a data-driven Semantic Web that uses a machine-based understanding of data to create a more clever and connected web experience.

What is Web 3.0 and its examples?

Web 30 is a set of guidelines for creating web sites and applications that are more accessible and inclusive for users with disabilities. It’s an effort to build an online environment that is easier for everyone to use, regardless of their ability. Web 3.0 applications include Wolfram Alpha and Apple’s Siri.




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