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MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js: The Four Musketeers of MERN Stack Development

This article will discuss all the details related to MERN Stack development. Plus, we will talk about the advantages of MERN for web app development.


Why has there been a surge in the popularity of web app development using the MERN stack? What is the MERN stack? It is a combination of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies work together to create a full-stack web development environment that can handle complex applications.

“During these years, especially after the pandemic, the web and mobile application market has seen major growth, offering us state-of-the-art tools and technologies. “

“MERN Stack development is the one technology Stack that is being used by most web development companies to build robust and scalable web applications.”

Top Reasons to Choose MERN Stack Development for Your Next Big Project, LinkedIn article

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at each of these four technologies. In addition, we will explore how MERN stack developments aid developers in creating web applications. 


Did you know that a recent stack overflow survey reports that MongoDB has a high percentage of usage among professional developers?

What does the big M in MERN stack development do?

Built on a horizontal scale-out architecture, MongoDB utilizes a flexible schema for data storage. It is popular for web app development because of its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. 

One of the greatest qualities of MongoDB is the user experience it provides to the developers. In addition, MongoDB can store structured as well as non-structured data. 

“MongoDB is the most prevalent document-oriented Non-Structured Query Language (NoSQL) database.”

“It uses a binary version of JSON called BSON (Binary JavaScript Object Notation) to store dynamic data. With MongoDB, you can run multiple databases simultaneously.”

Rutwa S., Senior technical writer

Complex data structures can be terrifying! MongoDB allows developers to store and retrieve data more naturally. It stores different documents in a single collection. Hence, multiple objects are stored in a unified manner. Does that sound fabulous or what?

In its design, compatibility with other technologies in the MERN stack was one of the main priorities. Hence, it is an excellent choice for full-stack development.


Are you tired of building backends of web applications from scratch? Fear not, Express js is just the solution you need!

However, can Express assist web app developers in saving time?

It is a lightweight and flexible web application framework for Node.js. It simplifies the process of web app development by providing an intuitive API. 

This is what an experienced backend developer has to say about Express js. 

“One of the biggest advantages of Express.js is that it is simple and easy to use. This is because it is a minimal framework, which means it does not come with a lot of built-in functionality.” 

“This allows developers to add only the features they need, resulting in a leaner and faster application.”

Move aside, other frameworks! With Express js, you can organize web applications on the server side more quickly. Plus it only requires the use of Javascript!

Express is particularly useful for creating RESTful APIs and handling HTTP requests and responses. What else does Express have to offer? It provides a robust set of features for handling middleware, routing, and templating.


You need to thank Facebook for this masterpiece! Since its release in 2013, Reast js has become the most popular Javascript library today. There are statistics to prove it! It is the personal favorite of many front-end programmers.

React is a popular open-source front-end library for building user interfaces. It allows web app developers to build reusable UI components and update the UI efficiently.

React is particularly useful for building single-page applications (SPAs) because it provides a powerful way to manage state and handle UI updates. The excerpt from a LinkedIn article below explains how React is a trusty tool for building web applications. 

“ReactJS provides developers with a powerful and efficient toolset for building interactive and high-performance web applications.”

“Its emphasis on component reusability, virtual DOM, and unidirectional data flow helps streamline development, improve productivity, and deliver exceptional user experiences.”

React is fast, easy to understand, and highly scalable. In addition, the React frontend library is known for its community support. Due to this reason, there is just so much material available online. 


Many think Node is a framework. It is a misconception, that Node js is a Javascript runtime environment. To break down its meaning, a runtime environment is where commands take action! 

Built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, developers can build fast and scalable network applications.,  Plus, programmers can use Javascript on both the client and server sides. 

According to this website

“Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.”

Node.js is particularly useful for web app development because developers use a single language, JavaScript, for both the front-end and back-end. 

“Node.js allows developers to write code in JavaScript for server-side scripting. Also, Node.js has an event-driven architecture capable of asynchronous I/O.”

Node js architecture, LinkedIn article

In addition, it works well with other technologies in the MERN stack, making it an excellent choice.

The Four Musketeers of MERN Stack Development

Do you know why MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js are the Four Musketeers of MERN stack development? Together, they provide a powerful full-stack development environment that can handle complex web applications with ease. 

Each technology plays a critical role in the stack — their combination results in a robust and scalable web development environment.

Here’s how they work together:

MongoDB provides a flexible and scalable database for storing data.

Express provides a lightweight web application framework for handling HTTP requests and responses.

React provides a powerful front-end library for building user interfaces.

Node.js provides a fast and scalable JavaScript runtime for building network applications.

Together, these technologies create a powerful development environment that can handle everything from simple web applications to complex enterprise-level systems.

Reasons behind the popularity of MERN stack development

Why would you choose MERN stack development?

We’ve read about each letter that works in sync with the other. The result is a set of technologies that not only optimize MERN stack development! 

They also optimize the web app development phase. Before we move on to the uses of MERN stack development, let us cover the benefits of MERN stack first. 

React js is a memorable entity on its own. In comparison to its competitors such as Vue and Angular, React JS is the clear winner. With React, you can enhance user experience in no time. 

What is MERN adored by startups? It is an open-source code. Hence, developers can make modifications easily without getting caught up in a problem! 

An interesting thing about the MERN stack is that it is easy to learn. Therefore, you do not have to worry about getting confused. Some web app developers even recommend beginning with the MERN stack

We all know bugs are a big annoyance. With MERN stack development, you get proper code maintenance. Bugs are out of the picture! The debugging tools prevent project hindrances. 

Javascript is the language for server-side and client-side. Therefore, there is no stress in dealing with different coding languages. 

Not only is the MERN stack highly customizable, but it also doesn’t leave a dent in the pocket! 

The experiences of others speak for themselves. Big names such as Netflix, Ubereats, and Airbnb are utilizing MERN stack development to the fullest. 

Some Common Applications of MERN Stack Development

The MERN stack is a powerful and flexible technology stack that can aid in a wide variety of web development projects. Here are some common applications of the MERN stack:

E-commerce platforms

E-commerce platforms need to manage large volumes of data and transitions. This is where the MERN stack fills the gap. The paragraphs above highlighted how the MERN stack could handle complex data structures and possesses powerful front-end capabilities.

Therefore, developers can create web applications that perform better, have enhanced security, and can be modified easily. 

Social networking sites

According to statistics, the number of people using social media is over 4.48 billion worldwide. Imagine? Social media and social networking sites have become integral to our routine. 

What makes the MERN stack perfect for building social media apps is its ability to deal with complicated data. The MVC architecture separates the client side and the server side. 

Well, that’s not it! The responsive nature of the technologies allows for a better user experience. 

Mobile applications

Apart from building web apps, MERN stack development is appreciated by many experts for building mobile applications. Why is this, do you ask? 

Creating mobile apps is an intricate process. There are so many factors to keep in mind, user-friendliness, attractiveness, loading time, back-end workings, etc. With the speed that MERN offers, programmers do not have to worry about wasting time or resources. 

Also, you can use React Native. 

Are you looking for a tech stack that can cut down long work hours? Use MERN

Summing it up

Do you want to build a business app? MERN is your go-to. With MERN, you can also build content management systems, business applications, real-time chat applications, online marketplaces, etc. 

“Today, we have a bunch of modern industry-tested server-side technologies, development frameworks, and runtime environments.” 

“One such technology stack is MERN. The landscape of MERN stack applications has been growing fast for some time now.”

Rutva S., senior technical writer

Overall, the MERN stack is a versatile and flexible technology stack ideal for an array of web development projects. 


MERN follows JavaScript both for client-side and server-side development making coding easy and fast. There is no need to switch contexts as one language is followed throughout.

Choosing between the MEAN and MERN stack, article on LinkedIn 

MERN stack development has become increasingly popular in recent years because of its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Therefore, the demand for MERN stack developers is high. If you are looking to hire the best developers, consider taking a look at our website.

To begin your search, all you need to do is fill out an online form. We will schedule the appointment for you. The world’s best software engineers are just a click away. 

Are you looking to create complex web apps? MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js work seamlessly to provide a powerful full-stack development environment. 

If you’re interested in web app development, the MERN stack is worth trying! With the Four Musketeers at your disposal, you’ll be able to create the most efficient web applications that can handle anything the internet throws your way. 

The MERN stack is the superhero of tech stacks!


What are NodeJS Express and MongoDB?

With React js, these three combine to form the MERN stack. If you’re a tech founder, a developer, or a programmer, you’ve probably heard of this term before. These four technologies work together to optimize web app development

Node js is an open-source run-time environment. Powered by Javascript coding language, its uses include building chat applications, web servers, etc. All-in-all, Node is a trusty tool for running web applications. 

Express js is a reliable and trustworthy backend web application framework. It is a minimal framework that improves web server functionality. Moreover, Express comes with a variety of template engines such as Vash and Jade. 

A document-based, no SQL database, MongoDB manipulates the content of web pages. With it, you can build a scalable web application. 

How to connect React with NodeJS and MongoDB?

Rather than connecting these three, it is more about following a process. The first step is making a React app. However, you need to have Node js and Mongo db installed in your system. 

The second step would change your directory to the new changed command. Then you run the application and set up the backend with Node js. 

This example shows the organization of these steps

Why does the MERN stack use MongoDB?

Mongo DB is a pivotal part of MERN stack development. It is not only the first letter but the backbone of the MERN stack. MongoDB stores data in Binary JSON format. Setting up MongoDB is simple and can index documents easily. 

Is MERN still in demand?

Many online statistics mention that the MERN stack remains very much in demand. Startups are looking to invest in top talent who can create the best web applications for them. 

It’s a tough competition and even tougher market out there.

Businesses need to keep on using the right channels to sell their product or services. The good news is that anyone experienced in Javascript programming language will not find it difficult to learn MERN stack development. 

What is MERN stack development?

Standing for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node, the MERN stack has become a favorite among worldwide developers. To explain it further, the MERN stack is a collection of technologies to speed up and improve web app development.

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